Job search made easy through Viber!
No CV or cover letter required!
No email registration!
No bariers stopping you from finding a better job!
Easy and convenient
With VibeJobs, finding a job is easy, convenient and accessible for everyone in Viber! No CV, cover letter or email registration is required. Our chatbot creates a profile for you in seconds and instantly sends you a list of job postings matching your interests. From here on, you apply directly from your mobile phone with just one click of the button!
Don't miss out on good opportunities!
Good opportunities come to you without you having to look for them! You receive automatic notifications with new job offers tailored to your profile and preferences. Stay informed about current offers, even when you are not actively looking for work.
Chat with employers
Our platform makes it possible to chat with employers via text messages via Viber. You have the opportunity to ask questions related to the job offer, specify details about the hiring process, and receive up-to-date information about your application.
Join now and start receiving job offers tailored for you!
Join now! Scan the barcode or simply push the button below and find your next job with us!
How it works?
Quick and simple process
Join instantly via Viber, no need for registrations and unnecessary difficulties!
Answer a few quick questions and you’ll immediately see a list of JOBS tailored to your answers. We also use this information to create your PROFILE. You will only receive job offers and NOTIFICATIONS that match it!
Apply with just one click, at the sime time giving your concent to share the information from your PROFILE.
Keep your PROFILE up-to-date! Add more areas of interest, experience, locations, etc. This way you will receive more and better job offers.
If your application is approved, employers can send you 💬 CHAT messages to start a conversation directly through VibeJobs. The
💬 CHAT section stores all your conversations with employers.
Some of the companies looking for you
We have removed the barriers stopping you from finding a better job!
It is not yet possible to add your CV to the platform. Instead, you can fill out your ” 👤Profile” in detail.
Our platform only shows you ads that meet the criteria you specified:
💼Field of interest;
You can see a list of the posts you’ve applied for at any time by selecting ‘ 💼Posts’ from the main menu and then ‘Applications’
You can see a list of the correspondence for the advertisements you have applied for by selecting from the main menu ” 💬Chats” and then the specific advertisement. Initially, the last few messages will load, giving you the option to view the entire chat as well.
You can withdraw your application for a given ad at any time. To do so, select from the main menu ” 💼Announcements” and then “Applications” -> “See the advertisement” and the “Withdraw application” button.
You may not find a field that matches your interests, as the VibeJobs platform is focused on offering and searching for jobs in specific categories. For now, you can select “Other” from the list and send us a proposal to add a field to [email protected]
You can edit your profile at any time as from the main Menu by selecting
” 👤Profile” and then any of the available options:
Change Name
Add/Remove Location
Add/Remove Area of Interest
Add/Remove Experience
Change Education
Change Desired Salary